Online Zoom courses to help you awaken to your higher good and journey through your self, your nervous system and renew your mind and body to experience the goodness within you and God’s creation.
Healing Trauma-A Gentle Approach
Trauma is an injury (as a wound) to living tissue caused by an extrinsic agent: a disordered psychic or behavioral state resulting from serveral mental or emotional stresses or physical injury: an emotional upset. “Trauma is about a loss of connection — to ourselves, to our bodies, to our families, to others and to the world around us.” (Peter Levine —Healing Trauma: A Pioneering Program for Restoring the Wisdom of Your Body)
6 Session Courses opening up in April 4th at 4PM Pacific Daylight Time. Must be pre-registered and pre paid.
1 session per week with video content to watch and journal about before each week's live session.
We have all experienced it. I’m talking about TRAUMA. An easy definition of trauma is: anything that overwhelms the nervous system.
Healing trauma may seem profound at times and mundane at other times. The goal is to negotiate with a “felt sense” with your body and mobilize the power that is locked up in the nervous system.
There are many types of trauma yet there is trauma we don’t necessarily see as trauma. Years of financial stress is viewed by the nervous system as trauma. Long term caregiving of a loved one, dealing with a unhealthy relationship where you lose connection to the goodness in you and others, and health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure and auto-immune system disorders are also viewed as trauma by your nervous system.
Do you know that doing simple exercises for the nervous system can reprogram you to experience less pain, more energy and a sense of calmness without having to tell your story? Yes, you will need to address cellular depletion, however, the nervous system exercises I will cover for you in this 8 Session course starting in January will give you plenty of ways to train your nervous system for calmness.